Meeting Italy's domestic energy challenges through local gas production
Po Valley Energy (ASX: PVE) is a gas producer with over 20 years experience and a portfolio of natural gas fields in northern Italy.
Po Valley Energy was the first E&P company to bring new production to the Po Valley region since the end of the ENI-Agip monopoly and the liberalisation of the Italian gas market in 1998.
The company is focussed on advancing the Selva Malvezzi project to become a meaningful domestic supplier of energy in Italy.
Selva (P.Gallina)
Podere Gallina (Selva) is an onshore natural gas field in the eastern part of the Po Plan, among the Ferarra and Bologna provinces, in the Emilia Romagna region. The exploration permit measures 506 sq km and within this permit the Selva Malvezzi production concession is 80.68 sq km.
The 100%-owned Teodorico (AR94PY) licence is located off the east coast of Italy, approximately 30km southeast of Venice and 40km northeast of Ravenna in the shallow waters of the Adriatic Sea.
This is a large field with a gas rate capacity of 300,000 scm/day. It received Environmental Approval in March 2021; however a Development Plan for Teodorico needs to be approved.
Teodorico (AR94PY)

Chairman’s Update
Chairman, Kevin Bailey, discusses key dates and activities in the company’s 12 month plan, the European energy market crisis and the significant upside potential this presents for PVE.